Vampire's Vengeance

 HowlSpace Quest 12: Viral Vampire Video – {Interface}: You have received a new message from Timmy “Howling” Phil.

Timmy “Howling” Phil: Oh! Am I glad to see you on here again! Listen, I know that you’re a wanted fugitive and almost ripping the fabric between our reality and the spirit realm is not okay, but I need to ask you a favor. {Go to Next Guest Options}

{Guest Options}:

 {Option 1} So…you’re not turning me over to the police?

·         {Option 2} What’s been going on in town?

·         {Option 3} What do you need me to do?

Timmy “Howling” Phil: {Option 1} Oh, no. Yeah, I know that everyone in town is pretty angry with you for not leaving the ghosts alone, but you did us a great favor in helping out with the Daybreak Werewolf, so I’ll keep my mouth shut. {Return to Guest Options}

Timmy “Howling” Phil: {Option 2} Not much, actually. You’re still wanted for almost causing a rip in time and space, but the worst that Sherriff Barley wants to do is make you eat the month-old vittles out behind Jacob “BBQ” Biggs’ house. Then again, that might count as the death penalty.

With that said, the ghost of Jennifield Wrenfold over at Bubba’s Garden Restaurant has become more aggressive as of late. Since you’ve left town, the second-story shutters keep on swinging wildly and cold air is swirling around the stairs to the second floor. It’s gotten Chef Dracula worried, who wants your warrant lifted to help. Sherriff Barley isn’t too thrilled with that. {Return to Guest Options}

Timmy “Howling” Phil: {Option 3} You see, I have a cousin named Sam Blade, who works with the local construction company Alarming Artisans General Contractors. Recently, Torgo hired the company to help with the restoration of the old funeral home in the forest, but several of the workers have disappeared inside. I’m afraid that my cousin may be one of them, since I haven’t heard from him in weeks. Do you mind seeing if you can find him? {Go to Objective Screen}

Objective Screen {from Option 3}: Inspect Funeral Home.

{Guest} approaches outside of Count Werdna’s Funeral Home and confirms.

Timmy “Howling” Phil: I know that this is the last thing that you should be doing right now, but I think the best place to start is by scanning the building.

{Guest} activates Time Dilation Manipulator and scans funeral home. An anomaly appears over a high window. {Guest} confirms and plays tuning minigame. Completing the minigame activates animation of an unearthly light in the physical window.

{Guest} activates Time Dilation Manipulator and scans funeral home. An anomaly appears over a lower window. {Guest} confirms and plays tuning minigame. Completing the minigame activates animation of a floating coffin in the physical window.

{Guest} activates Time Dilation Manipulator and scans funeral home. An anomaly appears over a tower window. {Guest} confirms and plays tuning minigame. Completing the minigame activates animation of Count Elyk in the physical window.

Count Elyk: Ah! Come, mortals! Elyk shall dine tonight!

Pre-Recorded Guest: Hey! What was that? I got it on video, and it’s going online!

{Interface}: You have received a new message from Timmy “Howling” Phil.

Timmy “Howling” Phil: What’s going on? Everyone’s stopping what they’re doing over a viral video of a vampire that was just posted. {Go to Next Guest Options}

{Guest Options}:

·         {Option 1} Who’s Elyk?

{Option 2} I just saw a live vampire in the funeral home.

Timmy “Howling” Phil: {Option 1} I have literally never heard that name before. {Return to Guest Options}

Timmy “Howling” Phil: {Option 2} You did? It sounds like suicide, but you’re going to have to go inside of the funeral home and join the first tour group you see. Be sure to get back in touch with me when you’ve found Sam. {Go to Next Guest Options}

{Guest Options}:

{Option 1} I’m on it.

·         {Option 2} Are you sure? It looks pretty scary.

·         {Option 3} There are no tours of the funeral home right now.

Timmy “Howling” Phil: {Option 1} I’ll be in touch later. {Go to Quest Screen}

Timmy “Howling” Phil: {Option 2} Okay. Whatever suits you. Maybe I’ll go check it out later and turn into a werewolf if things start getting hairy. Then again, things would only start to get hairy after I change. {Go to Quest Screen}

Timmy “Howling” Phil: {Option 3} Hmm. That might be a big clue as to what happened inside. But, since there’s no way to get inside right now, you’re going to have to come back later. {Go to Quest Screen}

HowlSpace Quest 13: The Secrets of These Halls – {Interface}: You have received a new message from Russel Spectre.

Russel Spectre: This might be awkward if you’re still upset at me, but are you at the funeral home? I need you to do me a favor. {Go to Next Guest Options}

{Guest Options}:

·        {Option 1} It is still awkward.

·         {Option 2} Do you have a new lead on Slenderman?

·         {Option 3} Yes. I’m here to help.

Russel Spectre: {Option 1} Okay. I’m sorry for putting you up to this and accidently getting you in trouble with the law. When I first reached out to you, I never meant for any of this to happen. At least my producer doesn’t know what’s going on. {Return to Guest Options}

Russel Spectre: {Option 2} Glad you asked. So, it appears that Count Werdna, the vampire that used to live at the old funeral home, used to have a massive grudge against what he called “the thin con man.” That could be referring to anyone, but when I looked into the descriptions, they seem to match Slenderman. Now, I know that the funeral home has been under restoration for the past five months, but there’s a chance that some of his records are still in there. {Return to Guest Options}

Russel Spectre: {Option 3} Go inside of the funeral home and take note of anything unusual during your tour. I’ll get back in touch with you once your tour is done. {Go to Next Guest Options}

{Guest Options}:

{Option 1} I’m on it.

·         {Option 2} Are you sure? It looks pretty scary.

·         {Option 3} There are no tours of the funeral home right now.

Russel Spectre: {Option 1} While you’re waiting for your turn for the tour to start, take in some of the sights around the funeral home. You might find something important. {Go to Objective Screen}

Russel Spectre: {Option 2} Well, I guess that’s that. I’ll be back in touch later. {Go to Quest Screen}

Russel Spectre: {Option 3} Are you sure? Today was supposed to be the first tour, but considering the video that was just posted online, I’m not surprised. {Go to Quest Screen}

Objective Screen {from Option 1}: Experience Vampire’s Vengeance. Please adhere to all safety requirements and restrictions during this experience.

Guests begin their tour of Count Werdna’s Funeral Home by stepping up to the entranceway, which has been reopened as an attraction hosted by Torgo’s Atlantic Excursions. The funeral home is in a state of bad disrepair, but construction workers have been recently been working on a massive renovation project, as the building is mostly wrapped in scaffolding.

In the main foyer, guests weave through the decaying halls of the funeral home, with directional signs pointing guests towards the main chapel, which is where their tour will officially begin. Immediately, guests can already sense that something is off within these walls, as notices throughout the queue are signed as warnings to the construction workers that many of their own have disappeared inside. These are sometimes accompanied by the picture of a weird figure that is always blurry. Other signs explicitly for the guests warn them to not enter marked rooms that have been overtaken by mutant kudzu. Even the rotten coffins, while empty, give off a sense of diseased dread.

{Guest} enters the queue and confirms.

{Guest} activates Camera Scan and inspects the queue. Throughout the queue are six hidden books, but fifteen interactive objects. With each found object, a special codex builds up in the app, revealing the lost township documents of Howling Hollow, which detail how Count Werdna and a slave owner named Clint-Lee Muir competed over land rights in the town, with the banjo-playing slave master becoming the legal founder, incorporating the entire forest minus the already-existing funeral home. The other interactive objects reveal lost items from Count Werdna’s victims, as well as evidence of missing construction workers. The scavenger hunt ends before the preshow.

At last, the guests enter the chapel, where a host from Torgo’s Atlantic Excursions directs the guests to stand in the abandoned chapel. At last, the tour guide arrives.

Beat Sheet:

1.      Pre-Show: Tour Guide introduces curse of Count Werdna, which dooms his victims to never leave the funeral home. According to the tour guide, the only way to break the curse is to destroy the proprietor of the funeral home. Suddenly, a construction worker ambles onstage, warning the guests to leave before it’s too late. However, the construction worker is attacked by a form that bites the worker’s neck. The vampire is Count Elyk and has trapped the guests in order to trap them and the guide inside of the funeral home forever. Before he can strike, the guests are saved by another vampire named Sam Blade who used to be one of the construction workers. He hates Count Elyk for transforming him into a vampire, but is too scared to do anything about it. He wants to help the guests escape, but because he’s intimidated, he asks the tour guide for help. Everyone is confused as to why a vampire is afraid of someone like Count Elyk, which Sam responds by saying that he’s always been a wimp, but with some help from the guests, he might be able to outwit Count Elyk.

2.      Guests board Magical Coffins and fly through the funeral home halls, following Sam Blade.

3.      In a corridor, Count Elyk is found with ghostly construction workers. The ghosts wail to stay away, but Count Elyk chases the ghosts away. Sam and the coffin follow in pursuit.

4.      Count Elyk ambushes the guests in the library. Armor comes to life.

5.      Count Elyk attacks the guests with haunted books that bring literary creatures to life. The coffin dodges the specters.

6.      Guests fly down a hall of coffins, but Count Elyk uses spells to throw coffins at guests. Sam Blade is locked into a coffin.

7.      In a coffin chamber, Count Elyk confronts the guests and grabs their coffin. He slams the coffin that the guests are in shut, which swallows them whole.

8.      The guests emerge into a haunted underworld, where the missing construction workers toil away at vanity projects for Count Elyk for all eternity. The construction workers sing about their misery and warn the guests that they may be too late. One construction worker tells the guests that Count Elyk cannot leave the funeral home or he will die. Destroy him and they will all be free.

9.      The guests are saved by Sam Blade, who uses his own coffin to return them to the land of the living. Guests break free.

10.  Sam hatches a plan to trap Count Elyk by leading him to the conservatory. The guests are used as bait.

11.  In the conservatory, Count Elyk corners guests, but is attacked by mutant kudzu. Sam Blade breaks a greenhouse wall. They escape as Count Elyk breaks free.

12.  Count Elyk pursues the guests, but turns to stone due to the curse. Sam discovers that the curse is broken and that everyone is free. The guests fly back into the conservatory, reaching the unload area.

Once the guests disembark from their coffins, they leave through the conservatory and pass the destroyed stone remains of Count Elyk. They return to the path, where a cart selling Torgo’s Atlantic Excursions Merchandise is located.

{Guest} experiences Vampire’s Vengeance and confirms.

{Interface}: You have received a new message from Timmy “Howling” Phil.

Timmy “Howling” Phil: I just heard about the tours inside of the funeral home. Did you find my cousin? {Go to Next Guest Options}

{Guest Options}:

{Option 1} He’s safe.

Timmy “Howling” Phil: {Option 1} Thank goodness. I heard that the vampire inside is gone now, so thanks again. Hopefully, he’s not too shaken up by the experience, but I’ll be down that way later to check up on him. Stay safe.

Set up at the exit to the funeral home, Funeral Home Gifts is a rustic-looking, but also very modern-looking, gift cart that is operated specifically by Torgo's Atlantic Excursions. Here, tourists can buy merchandise tied directly to Torgo's Atlantic Excursions and Count Werdna's Funeral Home.

{Interface}: You have received a new message from Russel Spectre.

Russel Spectre: Were you able to find anything? {Go to Next Guest Options}

{Guest Options}:

·         {Option 1} Who’s Clint-Lee Muir?

·        {Option 2} I found the lost township documents. Clint-Lee Muir is listed as the legal founder.

·         {Option 3} I think we may have stumbled onto something bigger.

Russel Spectre: {Option 1} What? I can’t say that I’ve heard that I’ve heard that name before, but hold on. Let me look it up.

So, apparently, Clint-Lee Muir is an Irish immigrant who came to the U.S. in 1809 to get into the cotton-growing business. Since this was the Antebellum South, it doesn’t take much to find documents about his engagement with the slave trade. Bizarrely, all mention of him disappears after 1819, almost as if he just ceased to exist. Why do you ask? {Return to Guest Options}

Russel Spectre: {Option 2} You did? In the funeral home? I mean, I thought there would be something related to Slenderman in there, but this could be just as exciting! {Return to Guest Options}

Russel Spectre: {Option 3} Bigger than Slenderman? How so? {Go to Next Guest Options}

{Guest Options}:

·         {Option 1} Banjo Buffalo might be a lie.

·         {Option 2} Why would Clint-Lee Muir and Count Werdna hate each other?

·         {Option 3} Those construction workers could have been a part of a larger plot.

Russel Spectre: {Option 1} Not too loud! You do realize that the locals treat him like some sort of folk hero, right?

Kidding aside, I wouldn’t be surprised. Everything that anyone knows about him reads more like a tall tale than a history book, but if this Clint-Lee Muir is the real founder, why would his legacy be covered up? {Return to Guest Options}

Russel Spectre: {Option 2} Hard to say. My guess is that it has something to do with land rights and autonomy, but since they’re both dead, we’ll probably never know. {Return to Guest Options}

Russel Spectre: {Option 3} Would you say so? There has been word spreading about something being built in that underworld, but how would that tie into this plan? Do we even know if there’s a bigger plan? I’ll get back into contact with you later.

{Interface}: You have received a new message from Mayor Sharon Tumblewolf.

Mayor Sharon Tumblewolf: Hello, {Guest}! After evaluating the recent events and against Sherriff Barley’s judgement, your arrest warrant has officially been lifted. {Go to Next Guest Options}

{Guest Options}:

{Option 1} Who are you?

·         {Option 2} Why is my warrant being lifted?

·         {Option 3} Thank you. Have a great day.

Mayor Sharon Tumblewolf: {Option 1} Oh! I apologize, but I am Sharon Tumblewolf, the first female mayor of Howling Hollow. Trust me, when you have this much pressure on your shoulders, especially around here, it makes your job that much harder, but also that much more rewarding. {Return to Guest Options}

Mayor Sharon Tumblewolf: {Option 2} Between what has happened with the Daybreak Werewolf and Count Elyk, we need someone like you around here. Now, I know, we do have Arthur Van Helbrick, but I think that he doesn’t really respect us the way that everyone else does. Besides, it seems that those anomalies weren’t your fault. I think there’s something else happening around here. {Return to Guest Options}

Mayor Sharon Tumblewolf: {Option 3} You’re welcome. And once you get the chance, come on back into town. {Go to Quest Screen}


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